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Monitor the productivity of your employees with Expand Task Management

05 Sep 2020 By Admin0 Comments

What Is Task Management?

A task management software is more than just a manager checking off items on a to-do list! It’s an organized system for identifying, monitoring and managing the work you and your team does. Task management involves:


  • Tracking task progress
  • Delegating work to team members
  • Setting deadlines
  • Adjusting work schedules


Why do you need Task Management software?

A Task Management software helps you to organise work schedules and delegate jobs to your employees. It also ensures the productivity of your employees. Project tasks, HR Handling all of that with a pen and paper, or even an Excel sheet is time consuming and irrational. There’s no way you can keep track of every task, meet your deadlines and manage your team without a dedicated software tool. 


Task management tools were designed for this. It’s a dedicated space to monitor your task progress, assign tasks and manage schedules. This prevents you from losing track of tasks and subtasks so that you meet your deadlines and also encourage your team to work productively. It Helps Your Team Collaborate Effectively As each task has a dedicated space, it’s easier for your team to consolidate information and work on things together. Also, as every assignee has access to this task space, nobody’s going to be left out of the loop. 


Your team can easily share ideas, files and feedback to collaborate over tasks and get things done quickly.  It also helps you prioritize tasks and produce effectively on time.


3 advantages of mobile task management apps


Mobile project management apps offer a competitive advantage to team leaders that use them, allowing users to better stay on top of project updates, communicate with each other wherever they are, and get the newest features faster and easier.


1. Mobile task management apps make project updates easier

Taking an example from a client case studyMr.Kapur is a site supervisor of an export house, in an office building project. When he goes out to the location to check in on his crew and get a status report he finds out that a crucial shipment of building materials arrived partially damaged from heavy rain during transport and several welders are out for various other work.

He takes pictures of the damage and authorizes hiring two temporary workers to fill in for the welders, then drives back to the office to update that information in the project management system. Unfortunately, by the time the updates are entered into the system, you’ve already had your afternoon check-in with stakeholders—the budget authorization for the temporary welders will have to wait until tomorrow, costing you a day of labor and further delaying construction.

But, with the Expand Service mobile App on his smartphone, Mr. Kapur immediately updates that information in the resource management tool on his mobile.The changes are already reflected on your dashboard for your afternoon check-in with stakeholders, allowing you to authorize budget for the new welders, who are on the job by the following morning.


2. Mobile task management apps strengthens team communication

Mr. Singh works for an eCommerce website that sells organic knitting supplies and accessories. At 10 p.m. on a Saturday he attempts to show the site to a friend on his phone and notices that it has been down for two hours, costing a lot in sales.

 With only a desktop software, his work computer is in the office and the office is closed until Monday morning.  Eager to find a solution, he texts his colleague on the tech team, who eventually gets back to him and says he will email the rest of the team in the morning. Someone finally gets the site back up and running late Sunday evening, after a huge loss in sales.


The mobile task management app advantage: After noticing that the site is down, he pulls up his mobile project management app’s collaboration tool and sends out an alert to all employees that the site is down. Within the hour, a remote member of the tech team has resolved the problem and put the site back online, earning his recognition and praise from the CEO.


3. Mobile task management apps are easier to update

Your project management software unveils a new video conferencing software feature that you’re excited about trying out. The timing is perfect, too, because you’re at a developer’s conference and need to log into your Monday morning team meeting.

With desktop project management software: You fire up your laptop from your hotel room at 9 a.m. to connect to the management team meeting, only to find that your operating system isn’t compatible with the new feature. You need to update several drivers, which requires permission from your IT administrator. You give up on the video conference and call in from your smartphone.


The mobile task management app advantage: With automatic app updates and mobile optimization, your mobile project management app updated itself with the new video conferencing feature overnight when you plugged in and connected to the hotel Wi-Fi. On Monday morning, you open your project management mobile app and get a prompt to connect to the meeting without even having to look for it. You’re even able to connect your headphones and participate in the meeting as you walk to your first session.

Expand ERP is India’s best fit ERP software on cloud that has multi features all integrated into one, including a well crafted Task Management tool. We also provide mobile enabled Apps for Android Expand users Expand Service which can be accessed with a smartphone itself.

Monitor the productivity of your employees with Expand Task Management


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