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How can ERP Help Apparel Manufacturers Save Time and Money?

15 Jul 2020 By Admin0 Comments

What are the pain points that Apparel Manufacturers face?

  • Toned down integration – Apparel manufacturing is a complex process that needs tight coordination between each department (fabric store, sampling, spreading and cutting, sewing, QA, finishing and packaging, finance, etc.). To serve the purpose, a fully integrated software that can bring different standalone modules together is a must.
  • Lack of real-time management – Viewing, editing, and reporting in real-time has become a basic need in this modern world of manufacturing. Businesses need to find a nimble solution that can make collaboration and communication a cakewalk.
  • Less data security – Purchase order, sales order, manufacturing order cost, fact-sheets, industry-specific brochures, HR files and employee data sheets are some inevitable documents that are usually overlooked because of lack of proper management and security channels. An antiquated process of data storage should be swapped with cloud storage that offers anytime, anywhere access.
  • Excess or inventory stock-outs can lead to the depreciation in goodwill and no customer satisfaction.

Aforementioned are some gaps witnessed in manufacturing industries.

In this world of thriving technology, ERP is the key to streamlining every function in a Textile and Apparel Manufacturing unit. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an integrated business application that helps you manage business in a systematic manner while increasing productivity and saving time.

Savings can be in terms of avoiding the cost of printing or not hiring IT personnel or in terms of employee satisfaction, time-saving and smooth cascading of information to every department. ERP lets you address both tangible and intangible savings by offering state-of-the-art functionality that can be tailored as per your specific businesses.

Here is how an ERP solution can help you save time and money –

Operation Cost

  • Efficient allocation of work and swift process performanceAn intelligent apparel manufacturing ERP software solution can automatically generate orders, it offers rich features to simplify business processes. It allows you to track order status, change BOMs and design, promote an easy transfer of BOMs to work orders, trace the products in its route, handle small-scale batch runs and perform an array of activities in a streamlined and systematic manner. This indeed promotes time management, less confusion and employee efficiency.
  • Material requirement planning The apparel industry has to meet the dynamic and changing demands of their customers, which changes with time. Many manufacturers face a challenge of not gaining a proper overview of resources and materials that lead to inventory overflow or stock out. Hence, to offer you a single solution for managing and viewing the materials as per orders, ERP is a foundational platform that is specifically devised by technology partners and IT professionals where manufacturers can view business data and take a prompt decision.

Admin Cost

  • Customer information in one place — Customer related information is stored and recorded on one platform i.e. ERP – this minimizes the amount of time and admin staff needed
  • Answer customer queries in real-time — ERP helps manufacturers address customer queries, requests, and feedback in real-time. No manual processing. No errors
  • No paperwork regarding employee data — No recording data on sheets – no need for re-entering data for invoicing purposes – no wastage of time, no losing paper forms

When everything is put in the right place, manual-errors are downsized, time is managed and employee satisfaction is boosted- it can decrease your operational and administrative costs upto 15%.

Opting the right ERP for your business is quite a cumbersome and time-consuming task, but this should not deter you from upgrading your current software. From evaluating KPIs to providing a 360-degree view of your manufacturing unit to real-time data tracking and editing, a full-fledged ERP solution provides end-to-end management solutions that can empower your company to outpace the competition and achieve all its long and short-term goals in the given time span.

In a nutshell, let us look at the benefits of implementing an agile ERP solution in a textile and apparel manufacturing industry –

  1. Reduce stock-outs or inventory silos: Apparel manufacturing ERP software lets you understand your bottom-line cost while maintaining the right mix of merchandise across the organization. A nimble and mobile WMS solution is the key to systematic management.
  2. Time management: With an ERP software, fulfill the purchase orders quickly while allocating right person the right work. It reduces errors, repetitive data entry and other mundane activities.
  3. Real-time tracking: Eliminate the old and traditional method of manually entering replenishment or transfer orders and upgrade your business software with an ERP that offers real-time tracking and reporting of resources – at the warehouse, shop floor, procurement, shipment.
  4. ERP’s dashboard serves the hub for multiple functions: One dashboard offers a complete view of every department or operation – QC, Production, Supply Chain Planning, RCCP, Pegging, Warehouse Management, Finance, HR, Sales, Marketing, Shop Floor Control.
  5. Accuracy – ERP offers correct information to the authorized users who work from anywhere in the world. This facilitates prompt decision making, productivity and improves the connection between vendors, customers, and coworkers.

How can ERP Help Apparel Manufacturers Save Time and Money?


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